Privacy Policy

By using this website you consent to some personal information being collected.
When you use this website we collect information such as:

your IP address

details of which version of web browser you used

information on how you use the site

We can’t personally identify you using this data.

When you visit this website we collect this information in a way which does not identify you. We only record data such as the type of web browser and operating system you are using, the pages you visit, and the date and time of your visit. We cannot identify you personally from this information and will not associate any data gathered from this site with any other personally identifying information from any source. We do not attempt to collect any personal data about you through this site unless you provide it to us voluntarily; for example, by sending an email or joining our mailing list for news and updates.
Our Mailing list is stored within 'Mailchimp'. Mailchimp is a professional email marketing tool which we use to send out our email newsletter. It follows all the correct procedures and adheres to the current laws relating to data protection for more information visit

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. They are not harmful and do not identify you personally.

Cookies are an essential part of how our site works to ensure you get the best experience whilst browsing our site.  This information may be used to help make the website more user friendly, develop our site design and to continuously improve the quality of the service we provide.

By using our site, you consent to the use of these cookies. 

You can manage or disable cookies within your browser settings, on your computer.